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Jupiter: 13/10/10

Paul G. Abel

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Greetings all!

We had a brief clear spell of 45 minutes last night during which time the seeing was very good. I managed to get the following drawing. Some stunning detail in region between STB and SSSTZ. Oval BA particularly prominent. SEB seemed to be a little stronger last night than before.

Also present were a number of festoons in the EZ. The NEB showed it's customary turbulent self. Also some interesting structure in/near the NPR.

Best wishes,



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Thanks everyone.

Chris, I tend to re-adjust the levels in the gimp. I have also experimented with various settings on my scanner. This will be a different process for every computer since monitors vary in colour balance and brightness, so to do the images converted by the scanner. The danger is in making them too saturated and over emphasizing colours.

It takes a while and some experimenting but eventually it pays off!

Best wishes,


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I have not used Gimp so I don't know what it can do, but you are right in saying time and experimentation are needed; I have been using photoshop since I was at University in 94 and i still haven't managed to explore everything! However I find that a simple tweek of the levels or sometimes brightness and contrast is all that is required to make the image onscreen apear just like that in the sketch book.

best regards

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