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Can a Meade ETX 125 tube fit on Synscan AZ mount????

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I currently own a Meade 125 ETX, however I am not impressed at it's goto and tracking ability so far, even though I have correctly adjusted it several times. However with my Synscan AZ goto mount I've found this is much better mount and very easy to use with no tracking or goto issues.

I've had the meade ETX for 10 years and I think that the mount is on it's finally legs.

So is possible to mount an Meade 125 ETX tube on the Synscan AZ Goto mount, ( the one which is the tripod version not the Merlin table top one).

Please help anyone who could solve this dilemma I'm having, It would be a crying shame to get rid of this meade, because I really like the optics on it. And also I want to save more money than rather buy another telescope like the Skywatcher 127mm MAK Synscan AZ GOTO for example and of which I already have the Skywatcher Synscan AZ mount. :(

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Yes, you can take the tube out of the forks,and I've done it (its a bit awkward, but some care and an extra pair of hands help!). You'll then need either a dovetail bar or some rings and a dovetail. I'd recommend the latter as I read somewhere that the screw threads on the bottom of the scope have been known to come loose. And with rings and a dovetail its easier to adjust balance too.

I've used mine on a vixen porta mount and the celestron se mount - its such a shame meade put great optics on an awful mount!


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Thanks Helen for your reply!! :(

I'm so happy that I can finally use the meade to mount on the Synscan mount, which is great and I finally save alot more money than buying another telescope. However just one more thing Helen, what size tube rings should I go for. I've looked at first light optics and they do the Skywatcher 140mm diameter rings, I've roughly measured the tube and it does look as if they could fit the 140mm rings, However due to you have recently mounted yours on a vixen mount, I just wanted you to confirm my findings. :(

Please e-mail me back immediately Helen!! :(

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I wouldn't do this... the meade is way more expensive than the other scopes in its class.. if i was not happy with the mount i would sell the whole thing together and look for a 2nd hand skymax 127.

i have owned both and i think the ota on the skymax was better, had less focus shift etc.

u could get 350 for the etx if its in decent condition and pick up a skymax for around 150 with a dovetail already fitted and the added advantaged on the rotating diagonal.

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just read the part about the mount being on its last legs

i have some 140 tube rings and just tried to fit them around the tube... the tube seems a bit large for the rings.. i am a bit chicken to try to apply pressure to them tbh

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I had a etx 125 and it was a goto sometimes, sold it and bought heq5/explorer 200

witch is great but i did miss the mak and picked up 127 skymax from ebay for £110 with eq3 mount . used on the heq5 pro it works great and i find it just as good as the etx and as already said hardly any mirror slop.


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