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Day 2 with first scope


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Ok, so most of the day I've been waiting to try out my first scope, I was unable yo do much viewing yesterday, due to a severe tstorm, and just before I got off work the sky was clear.... till I got home. Now it's overcast again. Hopefully sometime tonight or this week I will be able to start looking. How many of you experienced this when first starting astronomy?

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This hobby has more to do with the weather than you probably imagined. It's not just the clouds that can be a challenge, even how humid the air is can alter the observing conditions. It's worth persisting for the really clear nights when the sky is beautiful. Good luck.


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Experienced this this weekend. You would think living in Cyprus clear skys wouldn't be a problem but my first two nights I had my scope were humid with patchy high thin cloud, did get a chance to look at Jupiter and the moon which is something but seeing conditions weren't ideal. Hopefully clear night tonight.

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