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Does it pay to have a grumble


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Well in my case it would be yes, some many ,many weeks ago, I asked Steve at FLO about the price and acquisition of a stop ring for my Baader ep extension tubes, Baader point out there is a possibility of damage to the mirror of a 2" diagonal when using the tubes, without the use of the stop ring. Steve came back and advised FLO could obtain them through David Hinds the importer, they had also been reduced in price, good news I thought, so I placed an order some two months or so ago and payed for the item. Steve advised Hinds would have them shortly, as an order was due in, about two weeks, it then became what I can only describe as a game of Ping Pong, about every time I spoke with Steve or Martin it was the same story from Hinds, they are expected in, about two weeks, this went on for at least two months and I am sure FLO were becoming fed up with the whole saga, I know I was. Upon my last contact with FLO Steve, embarrassed by the whole situation, offered his apologies and a refund and suggested I try other outlets, so I searched and what did I find, they were all out of stock within the UK. Such a situation, with a big company like Baader, should not exist. Having written letters before to large outlets with not much to show for it, I took the plunge and sent an e-mail to Baader explaining the whole sorry saga, you would be as surprised as I was to receive a reply first thing the following morning, not only were they apologetic but offered to send me one free, accordingly an e-mail with details was sent, a response came within a short period from Anne Baader, again apologies and that the item was being sent letter post, it arrived some 48 hours later, not bad for a whinge. As for the stop ring, Baader quality throughout, including two finger screws and brass compression ring, very effective in use.


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I think it is easy for us to forget that firms which seem big within the astro community are actually very small, often one man band, affairs. They are often working with limited admin support in order to make a profit and some are led by people who are engineers with no experience in the service industry. One thing which is common to many is the enthusiasm and expertise of the people behind them. You did exactly the right thing writing to Baader and am not surprised you got such a positive response. Well done for acting so constructively rather than going off on a rant.

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Thanks for your kind response Martin, the buck must stop somewhere, it`s obvious Baader has them in stock and the importer has not had any for over two months, if it is Baaders fault, I am sure that after this they will put their house in order, if it is not them, then questions are going to be asked, in any event it can only do some good from the customers side, as nobody likes being kept dangling for the delivery of items, especially if the nights are clear.


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