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Unmodified Toucam for DSOs?

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CC i have heard that there is a bit of software out there that has been built specifically for the unmoded cam.

Damned if i can remember the name of it though.

It works under the principle of taking thousands of frames and stacking them.

If memory serves me correctly it has yielded som impresive results.

If i remember the name for this process i will let you know (don't hold yer breath though) :insects1:

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That's 3.0, version 4.05 was released last weekend. 3 will not handle large files because it uses 32 bit, 4 is 64 bit and also uses a later avi codec (K3CCC actually, developed by Peter Katreniak to get around the filesize limitations of the avi1 codec) to allow files larger than 1Gb (or two in some cases).

However, to be able to stack large numbers of short exposures to get a deep sky image remember that you are going to get a lot of noise. The point of stacking is to eliminate this noise by averaging it out... but the more frames you stack the less chance there is that some noise will remain and so although in theory it's a good idea, in practise *too* many frames is a bad idea. On a short exposure you will not get many photons from your target but you will get noise from the camera electronics - this is just the way it is. This means that the software (especially with a small ccd) will begin to see what looks like random noise as part of the image eventually and include it in the stacked image.


PS - could be Jamie is talking about Lucky Imaging. Try googling it - a bit out of the amateur league though. Astro-Video (from Bev at COAA in Portugal) also stacks/integrates on the fly as it were but is not freeware (a free trial is available though).

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