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Help with GSO 32mm Super Plossl eyepiece

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I recently purchased a GSO 32mm Super Plossl eyepiece but when trying to image with it I get nada. Am I doing something daft?

The image below shows the components & the sequence I connected them, before the camera is connected I can see the target through the EP, but when the camera is connected to the T-Ring, Live View shows a black screen, no matter what target I'm looking at.

Any help suggestions as to what the problem might be would be much appreciated.


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My understanding was that this EP was specifically designed for visual/photo-imaging. Maybe I've just misunderstood. I thought that putting an EP between the scope & the camera would improve what I'd see in liveview to assist with focusing.

Description reads "This superb Photo-imaging and visual use 32mm eyepiece offers low-powered wide-field star-scape views with breathtaking pinpoint detail and perfect digital camera connectivity."

Is that just Scopenskies sales blurb I've fallen fowl to as a noob? Why would they say it's for both visual & photo-imaging use?

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It should work. I have the Revelation 32mm which I think is the same and have used it successfully with the mak/1000D. I always 'goto' the moon (if it's out) with an EP on and swap to the camera after, so it's easier to focus. One thing I have found is if the shutter speed is set right for a good shot it's almost invisible in live view. I have to set the shutter speed at a much longer exposure time for it to appear on the screen, focus, then set it back to a shorter exposure for the shot. eg, if it's set at 1/50" for the shot I'll need it on 1" ish to see it on the screen.

Hope this helps :o

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Ah, I've been using BULB would that explain it?

Hmm, I wouldn't have thought so but I'm not 100% on that. But at ISO800 and a 1 second shutter speed it should be there, nice and bright. Are you sure it's not just massively out of focus?

Try it during the day if you can. I did and it helped me get used to messing with it.

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One more thing, when you've got the camera attached you'll probably need to loosen that little knob on the side of the EP and slide the outer EP to it's full extent to be able to focus it and get the image looking right.

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Stumped, just can't get a focused view in live view, tried various settings. Think I'll just focus before attaching the camera, forget about live view and see how it comes out. Suck it and see I think is the correct term :-)

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Can you get it right when looking through the camera's view finder instead of LV? Maybe there isn't enough back-focus or something. I don't have a problem with the mak but maybe newt's are different in some way. I've seen people using adapters that increase the distance from the secondary mirror to the EP to change the range of focus. Maybe someone here has some experience with this.

EDIT: Dunno if this helps.. http://cs.astronomy.com/asycs/forums/t/44317.aspx

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