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did you spot the ISS overhead at 9.15 (Wales time) tonight?


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Saw it from the upstairs window - rushed down to tell my family and visitors. We all ran outside and everyone got to see it slide brilliantly accross the sky. Confirmed its identity on Stellarium.

It's looking good for a planetary evening - the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus all together and and getting nice and high. My scope is just cooling down.

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Hi,new to this site.Live in rural Wales,between Cardigan and Newcastle Emlyn.Sky beautiful and clear tonight.Went outside at 23.25 tonight (27/8) and saw what I thought was a planet.It was dull red in colour.However it was moving in a slow manner across the sky from west to east, in the southern sky.This was no plane (no noise or trails). It seemed to be turning as it moved.Any idea what this could be? (there are plenty of planes in this airspace and this was def not one opf them)!

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I was out at that time but did not see anything. I looked in Stellarium (a free program that shows the sky and also sattelite positions) and it did not show anything matching your observation. Bit of a mystery!

Welcome to the forum!

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I tto saw this red light moving across the sky from w to e.

About half the size of a full moon.

I saw it about 9pm in clapham, London.

Initially, I thought it is a Chinese lantern, but it did appear to move quite fast; same speed as a plane.

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seen it too- up north- about 9.25 south west to south east- check heavens above and it said that the iss was going there aorund that time - not exact though.

Too much of a coincidence? heavens above got it slightly off?

anyways it did look like the iss about mag. -5ish


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