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Semi-Permanent Pier

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As I have a Garden now :) with only 2 street-lights which are hidden by trees and or can me shielded to a degree if needed, Im looking at the possibility of a Semi-Permanent Pier for my EQ6 head.

Has anyone done this?

Im thinking a Timber pier with a Concreted bucket in a Border which will also double as a fence post (there is clearance if i make it tall enough)

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Have you seen the Sky at Night mag pier? (Feb or March 2010 issue). Its made from a plastic pipe into a concrete base and has an upturned bin on top to protect the mount when not in use. The whole thing sounds awful - but it actually looks quite neat with a coat of paint etc.

If you don't have the mag PM me with your email address and I can scan the article and send it to you.

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