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dust on NexStar 4SE diagonal

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I've just noticed there is a _lot_ of dust on my NexStar 4SE diagonal. This is built into the telescope so I don't think I can remove it for easy cleaning. I have to do something because the dust on the diagonal is very visible when using the telescope.

My current plan is to point the scope slightly past vertical so the diagonal and eyepiece tube are angled down, and then use a soft art brush to stroke away the dust.

Does that sound like a good plan? Any better ideas?

I can't imagine how the diagonal got so dusty - I keep it covered all the time.

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can i suggest you blow away as much dust as possible with a bulb blower if its stone dust there's a fair chance of it damaging your mirror by pushing at it with a brush i would guess that sort of dust could be fairly abrasive.

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Tried out my clean diagonal on the moon - it is much better now! Hopefully i won't have to repeat the exercise any time soon - as its been suggested, brushing the dust away could damage the diagonal.

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