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Couple of Widefield from a damp kielder

Gordon G

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Managed to get a quick few snaps from keilder before the clouds rolled in and my camera lens dewed up by the time i got to m45. Just had time to piggy back my 350d and take with my 55-300 lens. Not played with the images yet, just upload straighted out of the camera and resized them at work, so help yourself.

One of orion rising out of the rolling in clouds, one of Cygnus, haven't play with it yet to see how good it is, one wide of m31, and some of m45 nice and wide, my gear was dripping wet at this stage ( shows on the m45 wide ) i took some more, but a the worst of the bunch as my lens was dewed up completely.

It was good to put some faces to names as well.








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