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Image Size Guidelines and Changes (Please Read)

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Image Size's and Guidelines

Some Guidelines and Image Size restrictions are coming into force due to many dial up users not being able to view the excellent images on SGL due to there limiting net speeds, also there is nothing worse than having a huge image rendering the rest of the thread a mess IE:Txt is uniform with the image/forum template.

1. Keep the size of the image to no more than 100Kb. This is so they don't take too long to display everyones screen esp dial-up users. A link to higher resolution images to go with your restricted image is an Option if you so wish. When using this option please post an image in accordance to the guidelines as well so everyone gets a chance to view.

2.Resolution of images should not be over 800x600.

3.If your unsure of how your image will look on the forum there is a handy Preview button to view what your post will look like.


There is a option on SGL to Upload an Image directly to Iseestars (Below the Post box structure) after uploading you will have an option to copy and paste the code that pops up after uploading. This code will create a Thumbnail image and also when members click onto the thumbnail it will take them to the uploaded image, the nice effect of this is it keeps the thread tidy and gives members the option to see a larger image(800x600, 100k).


Admin SGL.

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