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Very clear last night.


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Bought a Hamster for my daughter yesterday and last night at 2.30 I woke up and went down to see what was occuring with the wee nocturnal beastie as it was making a hell of a racket trying to gnaw its way out of the cage. After placating it with a shot of whisky in its little water bottle ( Jokeing ):p I had a quick look outside and was greeted with one of the clearest night I have been under for a long time. The Pleiades in the east looked fantastic so I quickly got out my 10 x 50's and had a good look and it was as clear as I have ever seen it , not bad considering it is August. Saw M31 very clearly and even a couple of moons by Jupiter. I then turned to the region of Cassiopeia hoping to see the odd perseid meteor and managed to see 2 by 3.00 am. The though of getting my 300p out did cross my mind but I had to get up at 5.00am to collect a client from Northampton to take to Heathrow and nodding off at the wheel is not good for customer relations.

You never know the wee beastie may get me up again tonight for another look.

Clear Skies


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Last night : Cloudy, with very sparse clear patches.

Tonight : Overcast, and occasional heavy rain.

Forecast for night of 12th/13th : Clouds and heavy rain.

I could swear the weather here knows when something significant (in astronomy terms) is about to happen. Just as happened last year around the time of the Geminids; clouds, ice-vapour, and rain, every night for the week surrounding peak ZHRs. :p

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