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Recommended Linux software?

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Hi All,

Can anyone recommend any decent Linux based astronomy software? I have just managed to scrounge an old laptop and would like to drive my Celestron Nextstar 6, observation planning, NexImage cam, etc from it.

Any suggestions for any other useful tools would also be appreciated :mad:



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Hi John,

Stellarium is very good for seeing what is in the sky and runs on Linux Stellarium

I have played around with wxAstrocapture too which will control a webcam for imaging.

I have run both of these on various versions of Ubuntu.

Hope that helps.


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Hi John

I too use Stellarium running on Linux Mint which I find better than Ubuntu even though it is based around it with a different front end.

Stellarium is easy to use and very helpful / educational for me as I use an AZ4 mount with no go-to and view under 'orange glow' skies.


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I use Xephem on Ubuntu on my netbook. I beleive it does INDI for telescope control, but I have never tried it.

XEphem 3.7.4

Its a bit quirky but works and performs well.

I also use Stellarium too.

You can use WINE to run windoze apps - i run Newt on that (as it don't run in Win7).

There are a few other suggestions here:

A small linux astronomy software review Aperture Fever


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