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Moon 18 July 2010


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Finally, things conspired in my favour to allow me out last night to do some imaging with my (new to me) Orion StarShoot III.

Well, almost everything - the mount drive played up again, but I think I have that sussed. Had to manually track, but not a huge problem with the moon.

It's a little bit dark, but the very top is still over exposed. I'm not quite sure how to overcome that - hue, brightness, contrat or saturation - more playing required (and advice gratefull received!)

The bottom right is a little odd, but I think that is because the moon was fast disappearing behind a hedge.

13 single shots taken thru a f/5 6" Newt then stitched in Microsoft ICE.


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That's very good for a bunch of single shots mosaiced. Not sure on the overexposure... are you adjusting exposure as you move around ? Do you check exposure on the entire surface before starting capturing ?

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Yes, I'm trying to adjust as I go along. The whole moon fitted in about 4 - 5 panes, but I took plenty of overlaps to make sure I had everything covered and a lot of detail. The very light top area was in the same pane os Mare Imbrium and the terminator which are quite dark.

I suppose the key would be to have taken panes of the light and darker areas seperately?

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