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Help PC connection on Synscan please.

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Hi All.

I've just bought a 2nd hand HEQ5 Pro :eek:.

I've got the lead to attach it to my PC (Synscan to seriel lead), but I can't find out any instructions on the connection procotcol. I want to make sure I don't fry any electronics by connecting anything in the wrong order. I presume that one wires it all up first, (telescope>synscan>syncsan to serial lead>PC) then turn on the scope. Is this correct?

Does it matter if I connect it up 'hot' (scope alreday turned on)?

After that, are there any settings I need to go to on the Synscan to get it to talk to the PC? (I have EQMOD ADCOM drivers installed on my PC already).


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What version handset and Firmware is it?

With my EQ3 Pro Sysnscan handset (V3.27) I Put the handset into PC-Direct mode when using it with EQMod although EQDir module or the equivalent cable and doing away with the handset is the prefered option... I havent got round to making one yet


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I connect my USB-Serial link after the PC has booted up, but I think it would be OK if connected before the PC is switched on. I usually wait until the PC 'dings' to signify the USB attachment (usb-serial dongle) has been recognized. I then plug the serial-synscan cable into the USB-serial & synscan unit and switch on the syncan. Then, as PB noted, put the synscan into PC-direct mode. I tried various connection sequences to find out what worked, you are unlikely to damage things 'hot-plugging'.

The other thing was to always use the same USB socket for the dongle, and check the port assignment for the socket/dongle so you can tell ASCOM which port the scope is on. If you have a computer with a serial port you avoid lots of the hassle of the USB serial dongle.

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I do the same as riklaunim. I use the Celestron driver rather than the Synta mount driver.(riklaunim, thanks for the pointer to the latest driver, I hadn't seen that 5.0.20, I'm still on 5.0.14).

If you select the Synta mount driver all the Ascom control panel 'stuff' appears and you have to have the handset in PC-direct mode and you can't use the handset keypad anymore(or at least not all of the functions).

If you select the Celestron driver you just get a neat pad showing direction keys, the handset doesn't need to be in PC-direct mode and you can still use it to Goto, centre, etc.

PHD, Stellarium, etc all work fine this way.

I plug in and out of the handset at any time without problems so far.

BlueAstra's comments about waiting for any USB-232 dongle 'dings' and checking port number assignments are all good.

As Psychobilly says, all of this is with V3.27 handset.

Earlier versions had some issues with the PC-direct mode, in some I don't even think it was documented that it existed.

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They seem at some pains to point out that the PC-mode is actually for evaluation and should not be left unattended!

I'm still playing about with it... perhaps it's because they cant get the info from Sywatcher about how "transparent" the pc direct mode is... and the added complications if the handset buttons get "pressed"..


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