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field flatner

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I am thinking of upgrading my field flatner. Currently I have a Mk1 William Optics Flatner and with my C80ed I have severe vignetting, although it seems ok with my ZS66.

Anyhoo, I have read / been told that this flatner is not really suited to the C80ed and am wondering what would be best, preferably good with the ZS66 so I could sell the Mk1 but if not then thats OK as I would keep the Mk1 for the ZS.

Hope this makes sense and I look forward to reading your thoughts..... :)


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Hi Gary,

I believe that the Skywatcher reducer/flattener would work with the C80ED, and now that FLO have sorted out an adapter for it that will allow it to work in any 2" focuser I think it would be a reasonable move.

I think the C80ED is f7.2, the scope the reducer is designed for is f7.5 so it should work ok.

I also have a WO66 so if you do decide to sell the MK1 drop me a pm. Shameless I know. :eek:

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Does anyone know the optimum lens to chip distance is for the SkyWatcher Field Flattener? I've scoured the web but have been unable to find a definitive answer. I presume it's 55mm or thereabouts as I've seen pictures of it attached directly to a DSLR.

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