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First Light - Celestron Nexstar 8 GPS


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Feel I have to add to this topic as I was out last night and had the first real dark skies and good seeing since getting this scope.

What a difference! I was dancing around the heavens!

I thought it was very good but it is mind blowing when the skies are right. As I have said elsewhere I had superb views of M31 and M32 in the same FOV (thanks to the Axiom) - really very clear when the skies are inky black. Could just make out M110.

The clusters were unbelievable - countless stars offering a backdrop for jewel-like clusters hanging graciously in the frame. The double was awesome, as was M34, M45 and the Hyades, M103 (wow). So clear when the conditions are right.

I missed out on M57 (too late getting out) but I had a go at the Blue Snowball as S@N suggested it. There it was! A blue snowball hanging in the sky. Started off having to use averted vision but after a while the sky just got better and better and the view was very clear - a fuzzy blue ball!

A quick look at Uranus again showed me the tiny disc better than ever before (seemed more blue this time) - though still low in the sky.

I then had a go at splitting a double star by going to Eta Cas. Lovely colour and easily split - started with the 40mm then went to the 25mm swan - no problem at all. May try my hand at some more soon. The trick here was to approach the focus from a particular direction (I think pushing the mirror?) to reduce image shift to virtually none.

I am amazed with this scope. One day I'll get a camera on there and be really blown away, but for now I am having the time of my life and don't want to lose the moment!

Just for the record, I have a new book on the NS series of scopes and followed the pointers for getting the goto accurate. 95% of objects - including stars, slap bang in the middle of the FOV. The other 5% in the FOV. No misses at all. An excellent scope :)

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