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PHD guiding

the rev

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PHD has been working really well and all of a sudden it is not cooperating. It will see the cameras and the mount, it will take images, but when I place the green box around a star and ask it to calibrate it wont. Can't work out why, any suggestions.

I am using PHD 1.11,


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I have an EQ6 which runs through Starry Night pro via EQdir/ascom.

I have a Celestron C6 as the main scope with an MX916, and a 75mm skywatcher as the guide scope with a QHY5. I was wondering if the QHY was the problem as I have only had for a couple of months and it took me a while to sort out the correct drivers to get it to talk to PHD


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I will ahev to read more.. but as i undersatnd it the QHY5 can be used in a number of different ways...

You can either let PHD send guide commands out through the PC to the mount through EQmod or you can set it up to use the ST4 port on the camera connected directly to the ST4 port on the Mount...


Any QHY5 users out there care to help...??

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I always use it direct to the ST4 port from the camera, select the camera from the list in PHD, then in the Mount tab select - 'on camera'

The driver I use is the CCD Labs Q-Guider, I havn't tryed any other of the QHY5 drivers

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to use my qhy5 with phd and st4 port

download ascom qhy5 drivers and the ascom platform

install the ascom platform then the qhy ascom drivers

load up phd, select camera -> ascom -> cmos qhy5 and it should connect

I havent tried other drivers, but for the ascom drivers to work you need ascom platform installed

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Have downloaded that and when I open PHD and connect to the cameras the ascom option is there, but I am still having a problem after taking the images, with calibration. I put the green box around the selected star push the button and nothing happens.

I have tried reloading PHD incase it had become corrupt, but it is the same.

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I use the EQ DIR as well.

If you errr forget to click on sidereal Tracking the guide process won't work....

I'm not going to tell you how I found out :rolleyes:, but I found out more than once!!!


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It appears to be working again. Despite the gusty wind, I managed some 300 seconds and 600 seoncd images last night of M27.

HA - 10 x 300 seconds and 1 x 1200 seconds.

OII - 6 x 300 seconds.

Stacked in astroart and then combined in photoshop.

Thank you for all your help



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