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Rotating Roof Observatory


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A few pics of my new Crossways Observatory with a rotating roof which might be of interest for those with limited space. It had a design objective for whole-sky access but with only a 7 x 7 ft footprint in the garden. The fibre glass roof is 2 inches thick with a foam core to give it rigidity and minimum weight. It rotates in an East-West direction with a south-facing flap that folds down. One advantage of the fibreglass roof is that it insulates the observatory form heat during our occasional summer days.

The roof rotates about 2 stainless steel bearings with phosphor bronze linings and has about 250 lbs of cast iron counter weights on each side. The roof and counterweights have a total mass of about 1/3 ton but being balanced it can easily be rotated on and off by hand.

The 6 inch square section steel pier is offset in the observatory to allow more room for viewing to the south and is bolted down to a fully isolated 20 x 20 x 30 inch dep concrete block with steel rods going down a futher 3 ft.

All control of the mount and cameras is via a laptop & EQMOD from the adjacent shed which serves as a 'warm room'. I'm using CdC, Nebulosity 2 and PHD which work well. I 'd like to thank Norman Walker for his help and detailed design.


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What a great idea, really inventive

One major bonus I like is that water will just run right off it, there's nothing worse than a flat roof for leaks and collecting water

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Re: construction. I had the roof and building made for me and I made the Pivot Arms which proved too complex for my shed manufacturer! I then assembled it with help from Norman Walker who did all the detailed Autocad design.


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