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M107 and M9 Globulars


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Grabbed a couple of hours of darkness before dawnbreak in the early hours of Sat June 12th. Got my 12" scope in a narrow gap between buildings over a fence to my SSW and got some wonderful views of M107 and M9.

These are two globulars I have never seen before. They are in Southern Ophiuchus and fairly bright.

M107 was first up. Tracked this down by following stars south of Zeta Ophiuchus. It appeared the fainter and looser of the two. Fairly unifrom in brightness at low power (x70). At x140 magnification I could detect a mottled texture. If the air was steadier I think I could have started pulling out some individual stars. But it wasn't to be on this night.

Over then to M9 to the east of M107. Took me a little while to find it by star hopping to an asterism of stars to the south east of Eta Ophiuchus. This globular was tighter and more pleasing on the eye than M107. It appeared to have a slightly brighter inner core than M107 too.

Got a sketch of M9 in a rapidly brightening sky...

12" Orion Optics

x140 Magnification


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Great report. I hope to look for these the next time the skies are clear. I have a 10" dob in 3 mag skies. I wonder if they would be visible for me.


Thanks. You might stuggle on these with a mag 3 sky and the combination of midsummer twilight and them being low to the horizon. If you have a decent S/SW horizon you could do ok though. You might get a better chance in late July and August when there is less twilight around :rolleyes:

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Well done on M107 it is a pretty faint one in my 10 inch scope. Always amazes me that Messier picks things like this up but missed NGC 2903???


I know what you mean. NGC 2903 sticks out like a sore thumb in comparison

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