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Collimation or wobbles?

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Have you been at the falling down water Capt, cause it sure looks like a serious case of the wobbles to me!



Actually I was ratted later, but the Skelescope had been put on autopilot during our soiree and all of the frames came back spoiled. They were spoiled, to a lesser or greater degree, by the effects that show up in the attachment. The lesser messed up ones were lower quality as well (as in cloudier) so the overall contrast was lower as well as the abberation contrast. Popped out to turn everything off and shut the shed before the serious drinking began (big cheque in the post will pay the bills for this month and next) so I was disappointed when it didn't come good.

Arthur, I'll try that next time. Have to PM Kain to book a night of no cloud for a really good trial.

Thanks for the replies guys, I'm hoping that the Skelescope can outperform the OMC140 otherwise I'll have to get a bigger Mak. or SCT.

Captain Chaos

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