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Twin moons

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Hi everyone,

I've just read the thread by 'Author' because I was checking out the forum because I wanted to ask some questions in a similar vein. Hopefully with a bit more logic to them:D.

I too write but more as a hobby for friends and family. I've finished one part of what I hope is a series, and also some short stories, one of which can be found on my website here .

My questions are:

1. If a planet has twin moons and one is larger than the other, which is also the closest to the planet. How small or far out would the smaller one have to be not to have very much of an effect on the planets ecosystem, i.e. tides etc?

2. If they are both in geosyncronous orbit so that you are able to see both from the planet, would one have much of an effect on the other?

3. Would they both have different speeds so there was only a variation of only a few degrees between them when viewing from the planet?

4. What's the meaning of life:D

I am a budding astronomer, as you may be able to tell by the posts I have made, but I'm not yet up to speed on the intricasies of astronomy and am useless at math:D

Oh, and what's an astrologer:eek::D

Cheers, Layor.

P.S. The intro page on my site will explain, hopefully, what I'm on about!

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. hard to be specific when none of your criteria are fixed - how big would you like the moons to be, or at least how big visually compared to our moon? I'm sure we can work something out from there :rolleyes:

2./3. have a look at the moon systems of jupiter or saturn, i suggest you download the free software 'celestia' and have a play, really helps to visualise some of this stuff.

What you would probably find, as you do with jovian/saturnian moon systems, is that they could well form a resonance, this is a nice stable configuration. in other words, their orbits sync up, so for example, every 3 times moon one orbits the planet, moon two orbits twice, what's called a 3/2 resonance - other combinations are possible.

this would make a great calendar system for your guys on the surface :)

also, look up 'hill sphere' on wiki, because if you set up your orbits wrong, the small moon might actually prefer to orbit the big moon, instead of orbiting the planet! now that would be cool in itself, but i don't think it's what you're after!

4. 42

astrologer? i don't think i'm familiar with the term...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the reply Tom. It gives me some things to work on and play with, appreciated:icon_salut:


P.S. I've just noticed that my site is down, am working on it.

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