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Portable Power - how would *you* do it?

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Hi all,

Right, here's the thing. I've got an EQ6 and a DSLR, which for viewing and occasional imaging is fine as they both run on batteries. However, I've just bought a Mintron and want to give that a try at a remote site, so I'm investigating portable power.

I'm after a newbie's step-by-step guide, with links, as to what I need.

EQ6 is 12 volts DC 2A I think, but at the moment it's got a battery pack and that's fine...for now.

Laptop is 19 volts DC 4.5A.

Mintron is 12 volts 500mA.

Not sure what the Dew Heater is, but I've not needed it lately.

Looking at a 12 volt 95Ah Leisure Battery, and have a 300 Watt Inverter, (I know, I know, not the best thing, but I've got one!) - how long do you think I could run the laptop and Mintron? Would it be safe to connect them straight up with the crock-clips-cigarette-socket thig I've got? The Inverter's fused.

What would be a solution to get everything powered safely using more efficient Converters rather than an Inverter? (As I say, idiot's guide only please, I won't be offended if you teach me to suck eggs!!)


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Yep, the leisure battery will be fine, get on fleabay and get one of those laptop car battery adapters - make sure it has enough wattage to cover your laptop (Look on the power supply of the laptop and it should tell you how many watts it uses, often 90watt). Get a cigarette adapter and connect your minitron up that way.

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So, the jump leads to cigarette socket I've got, feeding a 4-way cigarette socket splitter, and then running my devices from that, is going to be okay is it?

Someone's told me to make sure it's fused, but not sure where the fuse would go. :D

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