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cpc 925 wedge

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Hello everybody, can anyone tell me whether the Celestron wedge is worth buying and if not can you recommend a source where I could find one? I seem to remember Kim telling me that the Celestron was not that good. Any help would be appreciated. Steve :)

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Yup - it's personal opinion of course but I feel it's not worth half the money they're asking for it brand new and could be much better made for the price. There's a new third party wedge just out, specifically good for sct's - I saw it in SAN a few weeks back - I'll look it up for you and post here :)

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It's the Orbit Wedge - I was impressed because it has bearings and gas struts and should cope with any of the CPC's. I suspect I'm going to be impressed with the price too lol, but it's a tasty looking bit of kit. Bern has it on Modern Astronomy website.

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For what the Celestron one costs I think I would prefer to chuck in a couple of hundred quid extra and get this one. :)

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Unless things have changed, Orbit are not making any more in the near future. I have been asking Bernard to get hold of one for me for a couple of months now. Their wedge is supposed to be excellent but they will not do a run of wedges until they have advanced orders.

I went for the Celestron in the end since getting a wedge shipped over from US was going to be very expensive.

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Yup I guess you're right about the taxes - you can use the 9.25 with the Celestron wedge by all means, but it is a bit too small really - my CPC was up alongside a 9.25 at Kelling last year, both on wedges and it was obviously made for the 8" at best. You can try it though, and if you find a better one later it can be sold on - sorry I can't suggest better at this time :)

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