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Celestron CG-5 GT GOTO & PowerTanks

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I take delivery of a CG-5 GT GOTO tomorrow to replace my EQ3-2. My question is what should I buy for external power. Do I need to buy a Skywatcher/Celestron PowerTank or will a Maplin, albeit not strictly comparable, model at half the price do the job? Also, is 7aH sufficient or is it better to invest in a 17aH.

The teams views would be most welcome.

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I had one of the Maplin jobs and ran a CG5GT on it for a while. It was Ok for the 1st winter but attempting to start my Land Rover with it after a night of -17degrees C at Kielder killed it....... :)

I now use a 12V 24AH emergency light fitting battery, bought from RS components, but I would imaging Maplin or Fleabay would sell them. Get one of them and build your own box with as many 12v ciggie lighter sockets on it as you would need. maybe not as cheap as the Maplin one but would last for years, mine has just finished its 2nd winter and now powers my HEQ5, dew control, DSLR and power focuser, easily lasts a night.



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