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Another first view..


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of Jupiter!

Thought I was going to say Saturn, didn't you :) Nah, I saw it first at it's opposition this year. It was quite impressive, and still is..

But! Jupiter took the cake for me. Despite losing one of it's cloud bands, seeing the one run across the planet, along with 4 extremely bright moons floating to its sides, I was struck with awe. The Great Red Spot wasn't out at the time, but I hope to catch it soon.

Perhaps when Saturn's rings have widened back out, it may take the cake back. Until then, though, Jupiter is by far the winner :D

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I think that they are both winners for different reasons, Jupiter for constant clarity and detail, and Saturn for those rings, even edge on they are wonderful, and both for the wonderful displays of their satellites.

If there was a G*d, I'd send it an email saying thanks.............

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