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1st go at RGB Saturn


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I had my first go at producing an RGB image from my mono DMK camera and manual filter wheel (Astroboot!) and some cheap absorbing filters. Tried it as an equipment check and a first go and combining the separate images.

The scope was a C8 SCT (with no barlow at this stage), a DMK camera and a Scopteknix manual filter wheel. I was trying different exposures, etc with the DMK, but kept all the settings the same for the RGB run. After processing about 400 frames each in Registax, with the same filter adjustments to each I loaded the RGB images into PS. I set each image to greyscale, set each image to the same brightness (?) and combined channels into a RGB image. Then moved each layer to superimpose the image.

Not sure if thats the correct sequence, would like any advice if possible.


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I would advise getting 1000-1500 frames per channel. Use the histogram to set the exposures so you get half histogram filled (yellow bar takes half of the chart in IC Capture AS) for each channel.

Then you can process them in Castrator + Autostakkert very easily to get raw aligned stacked images. Those image can be processed in PS or other software (sharpening or wavelets) and then RGB or RRGB combined in Astra Image, Nebulosity or even PS :)

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