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Heads up! skywatcher ED80 pro telescope

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Just me being annoyed (ish) at the review in Practical Astronomer. They got one that was poor for review but were able to prove that it was poor as they tested it with an interferometer. They complained and got a replacement straight away and then went on to say how good they are with no further mention of the first unit.

My interpretation, based on a sample size of two that they tested, is that half are poor. I know it doesn't work that way and almost all are good, but it wound me up at the time. Guess who'd get the poor one if I bought one?

Captain Chaos

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Both you and me I think - I bought a pair of binoculars once that were supposed to be good and turned out they were mixed quality optics. Mine were poor and ended up on eBay rather quickly after being told I couldn't change them as they weren't faulty. Of all the cheek!

Still, I won't buy from that company again.

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