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ep's f/5

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I finally did the plunge and ordered the Skyliner 250px today :(. I now want to supplement it with a basic set of 3 ep's that should cover for time being my needs.

I already got the Hyperion 17mm, that together with the 2 fine tuning rings should be a good mid mag ep (13mm/10mm).

I also bought a 8mm Radian (great offer on astrobuysell) but i am now wondering if a 6mm (or 8mm Hyperion with rings) for the higher mags would be a better fit.

There is also still the question of the low mag ep.

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I used to have the Baader Hyperions and they are good eyepieces so in your case what I would do is get the 8mm Hyperion and also the 24mm Hyperion.

So you will now have:




Then get a good quality barlow as the hyperions barlow very well, if you get a x2 you will have the following:




10mm (17mm fine tuned)



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Did you used 8mm or 6mm on your current fast dob? Read that some people gave planetary ep's the edge (but then you won't have the 68 Field the Hyperion offers).

A wide field of view really does help when using a dobsonian scope, especially at high powers. I've been trying out a 7mm Baader orthoscopic recently which is a fine, sharp and contrasty high power eyepiece but the 40 degree field of view does make it challenging to use in a dobsonian. I also find that eyepieces that provide a little more eye relief are more comfortable to use as well - I believe even the short focal length Hyperions provide 20mm of eye relief which is very comfortable. There is probably a small trade off between ultimate sharpness and viewing comfort but my guess is that under most viewing conditions it's not going to be noticeable.

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