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11/03/2010 - Solar sketch.


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We have been following the various groups for the last week and managed to see them around 11 gmt (universal) this morning though there was a bit of misty cloud about. We found the three groups of fan like to the east of the dino a bit like volcano spouts and the main biggy a bit like a dinosaur with a pile of stuff behind it (it even had 4 legs). It's interesting that the 3 volcanos spouts have really looked 3 dimensional with, on earlier days the 'smoke' blowing across the surface back towards the east. (on filament further north and nearer the edge was doing a similar effect this morning. The large western flare was not so pronounced in our view, and the flare at your 6-7 o'clock was a spout with lots of more nebulous stuff round. The main dino showed a lot of surface detail as did the two white areas to the north. All in all it was a wonderful sight (my poor strained eyeball!

But yours is a real nice sketch and (also) it is nice to see the sun waking up.

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