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Is this scope any good? OPTISAN-150 150mm (6") f/750 Newtonian Reflector

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I have never owned one but the rumours are that the Optisan scopes don't have a parabolic primary mirrors and therefore won't perform well - especially working at a focal length of 750mm (F5). I would definately find the extra for the Skywatcher equivilent which are good scopes.


North Somerset

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Having been there with a "Bargain" 8" reflector only to find out, the hard way , that the mirror was

not parabollic and wasnt even fit to use as a shaving mirror, I would advise likewise...save up the extra

cash, or wait for a price cut on the parabollic morrored scopes.

Cheers, Bob.

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Thanks guys thats all the info I need.

There is a site - (ace cameras) where you can buy it for £130 so they must be pretty desperate to unload it.

What's the skywatcher six inch like on planets - can it really go to 300x effectively?

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A friend of mine has a Skywatcher 6" dob, and it is very good on planets, but he uses Pentax eps, too. I think the newt is f/5, so it may be a little different story, however I can go to 300x with my 6" f/5 Celestron and get more detail on a good night. Still, I tend to use it at 100x or so most of the time. I did most of my observing this weekend at 37x.

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