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skywatcher equinox 80 ed apo t ring advice


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Dear all gazers,

I have had my equinox 80 for about 6 months and had loads of fun with it. Now for the next step. I would like to dip my feet into the world of astrophotography. I have a canon eos 5d and would like to attach it to the scope to start to take some photos of the moon. I think I would like to shoot prime rather than through the eyepiece. So, for the question. How do I hook the camera up to the scope. I know I will need a t-ring and possibly a t-ring adapter (which I assume pushes into the focuser). Do I also need an extension tube or even a field flattener?

I know this is probably a really basic question and that there is a wealth of information out there, but to be honest it's all a bit overwhelming.

Thanks in advance


PS i forgot to ask, does it matter what make t ring and adapter I buy ? Is there a difference in quality, as there seems to be quite a difference in price

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