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Finally I have the images of M1 done with 9x5 min subs, and CLS LP filter, canon modded 1000D ISO 800. Scopes - 200mm GSO Imaging Newt, SW 120ED refractor and the Meade 10" Schmidt Newt.

Variations of conditions when the images were taken over different nights and of processing it looks to me that the SN wins with this subject with only 45 minutes of data, and therein lies the rub so to speak, I would think the refractor with the higher F number (at F/6 with the field falttener/reducer) needs much more imaging time which is at a real premium where I am located.

So comments as usual are very welcome and thanks for looking - so in order of aperture here are the images.




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Biggest scope gives a lot of photons - highest signal-to-noise ratio (looking at the pictures), and bigger resolution (this object needs some). You have DSLR with big sensor, so you should fit larger DS objects. If not small refractor should help ;)

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