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Importance of leveling an 8i

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I operated a Celestron 8i and nowhere in the instructions does it stipulate that the tripod should be level for good Goto results. I have heard it said that it does not matter and some to the contrary. General discussions with other Celestron owners I know and the Dealer have not produced any conclusion. So I put it to you guys out there to see if you have any answers.


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I usually level the tripod just for the hell of it, and I'm not using GOTO. It doesn't take long, and gives me a feeling of aesthetic and moral worthiness.

How is your 8i performing? I think I would like to get one if I win a small lottery, or if my wife's union's policy grievance is settled soon.

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I have the 8iSD, that is the Orange special version and I am pleased with it. It only weighs 24lb so I can move it out in my yard easy, yet it is very stable. I had a ETX125ec before and was driven to distraction with the Rubbish Gotos. I stripped it down and did all the modifications that were suggested and some nights it performed and others it didn't. The 8i is spot on. the only beef I have with Celestron is that the 12 volt cable need to run a remote battery has a larger center pin in their own model than the UK ones which are smaller. So as the scope turns the current can momentary cut off and you lose the settings. I have tried various UK plugs and they are the same and I can't obtain a genuine Celestron one. Hinds have been waiting for 3 months for some to come in. I have tried the USA and it is the same. Celestron suggested that I bend the center pin with a small screwdriver !! What I do is to hold the plug in with an elastic band ( such superior technology) It has been suggested to me that the plug is made to be loose so that if you trip over the cable you don't pull the scope over !! Otherwise, as I say, great scope.


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I don't have a Goto, but I'd highly recommend leveling one within an inch of its life before aligning to the stars. Being very familiar with the way the softwares operate, even the tiniest deviation in where the scope "thinks" it is can cause many headaches for where it actually is. In my neanderthal equatorial alignment, it's not important to be level first. I just have to make sure my scope rotates along the exact same axis as the Earth.

As for WH's moral worthines, I'm somewhat skeptical... :laugh:

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Until recently I owned a Celestron Nexstar 5 (not the "i" model). With mine the accuracy of the goto depended mostly on 2 factors ( I used the 2-star alignment method most) - 1. getting the optical tube at exactly 90 degrees to the mount before selecting the alignment stars and 2. picking a suitable pair of alignment stars - some are better than others depending on which way you are facing. Getting the mount level on the ground was given less emphasis. This may have changed with the "i" models of course.

To ensure consistency in getting the tube level I stuck some raised index marks on the mount so that I could feel when the tube was level in the dark - this helped a lot.

Here is a great website for Nexstar owners - http://www.nexstarsite.com/index.html


North Somerset

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There are 2 pointers or arrows on the tube and fork for leveling the scope on the 8i but nothing in the instruction manual to say that you need to line these up before starting to align. In fact there is no mention of these pointers at all. Is this a throw back marking from previous models which the manufactures have failed to remove.


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