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Modding a Canon 350d.. Replace the filter or not?

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Ive just purchased a 350D and i will be removing the IR filter sometime very soon, what i would like to know, is, as it will only be used for astrophotography, would i be better replacing the IR filter with something like the Baader ACF filter, or would i be better leaving it with no filter all?, that way, i can put a 2" filter of my choice for different targets onto the end of my camera mount.

Living in a very highly light polluted area, i already use a skywatcher light polution filter which, if im correct in thinking, helps the transmission of the hydrogen alpha/beta lines anyway, so modding the 350d with another filter would only put another piece of glass inbetween the objective lens and the cmos chip.

Has anyone had any experience of this or have any links to some images with comparisons?



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I have a 300D modded with no filter and also one modded with the Baader filter.

Both give excellent responce in the Ha, the real difference ( for me) is the no-filter option allows me to image all the way from 350nm (UV) well into the NIR (800nm) which is ideal for spectroscopic work.

You can get clip in filters which fit inside the camera body to give dusr protection etc.


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Thanks for the replies Nadeem/Ken:)

The way i was thinking is that seens as i will be only using my 350d for astro work, i will leave it permanatly connected to the camera mount, and this will have (mostly) my light polution filter attached to the other end, so this will cut out any chance of dust getting on the cmos sensor and i will make a cap to fit over the filter and onto the camera mount tube to stop the filter getting any dust or scratches on it when im not using the camera.

Iv'e just thought of something that will do the job pefectly!..i use a Vitamin B complex and the plastic tubs they come in are 2" diameter, so i'll just cut the neck end off it, and i will have the perfect dust cap!:)

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