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6" f/10 refractor build.


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Yes,it's getting bad. I did get a warning last time for defending Ales at Istar,so I'm keeping out of it this time.

I try not to be political if I can help it. I buy my gear from lots of places. Does it bother me? Just sometimes :headbang:


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I've been following that thread today and am currently sitting on my hands trying not to post in it!!

One guys motivations are so transparently political/ nationalistic but he's still trying to pompously proclaim that he's merely on some noble quest for truth.

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Oh give me strength?!?! YOU got a warning !!

Do they have mods over there?

Dissapointing. Cloudy Nights is an INTERNATIONAL FORUM these days. Carp like this really puts me off visiting there. Poor, poor show.

How do you report a thread over there? Either I'm dense or it's not as easy as on these forums.


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Hi Andy,

I've never reported anyone so I don't really know. I suppose you PM a moderator and go from there.

I did have a warning just the once on SGL quite some time ago.

Nothing drastic,didn't know I was doing anything wrong. I do now :headbang:

I agree it's shameful what is going on in the Istar thread. A major problem is that vendors are not allowed to answer posts like that in the open forum. Surely the mods are just allowing it to go on for some reason.


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