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I wonder how many people are cursing the full moon tonight

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First few proper crisp clear nights we've had in ages and the full moon comes out - typical!! Theres not even a terminator for me to look at and I dont have a moon filter (the full moon is TOO bright for me - I even tried sunglasses tonight!).

I wasnt going to let it put me off though and I still had a good little session :- Mars, Saturn (which was low and orange from atmospherics like the moon was when it rose earlier), split polaris, little check on M42 to see how its holding up to the moon, couple of open clusters M41 and possibly NGC2362 (or it could have been M47 or M46 - my finderscope was totally moonwashed and useless), Pleiades, Mars again (bit better with scope cooled, I could see the polar region and the dark bit just underneath, not quite as good as when we had the thin cloud the other day).

In bed with hot water bottle now defrosting.

Hope everyone else got some nice views tonight:)


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I'm out at the mo - trying some imaging despite the moon (in hydrogen alpha and the other side of the sky from the moon so hopefully the data will be OK).

I also got my 10" Newt out for the first time since Kielder last March, got it nicely collimated and have been enjoying the best views of Mars I've ever had and I'm waiting for Saturn to clear the roof of my house. It's been an amazing night so far :)


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I just been out. Mars was pretty good, almost as good as yesterday. I was hopping to catch Saturn but the clouds rolled in.

NGC457 was ok considering the moon, I also tried the double cluster and Orion neb but they ware very washed out, still I enjoyed it.

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what mag you getting on Mars James? I could only get to 150x as my 5mm HR Planetary EP hasnt arrived yet. Hopefully it'll get here before mars moves too far away so I can get my best view ever too.

Think im going to try stuffing my hot water bottle under my jumper next time i go out - I was freezing by the time i'd finished tonight.

happy seeing, despite the moon - remember it could be worse it could be cloudy!!:):)

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Well Fridays full moon was allegedly 16% bigger and 33% brighter - was a corker of a Moon but washed out any imaging I tried, even with the Ha filters in there......

I didnt get any seeing done Friday night as I was out on the town drinking, but I was having great fun TRYING to chat up girls with my new found astro-knowledge "you see that red star, thats Mars, at the moment its in opposition with the earth and conjunction with the moon, its the closest its gonna be for 2 years etc etc".

DIdnt work though, for some reason none of them wanted to come back to the flat to see my telescope??:)


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I didnt get any seeing done Friday night as I was out on the town drinking, but I was having great fun TRYING to chat up girls with my new found astro-knowledge "you see that red star, thats Mars, at the moment its in opposition with the earth and conjunction with the moon, its the closest its gonna be for 2 years etc etc".

DIdnt work though, for some reason none of them wanted to come back to the flat to see my telescope??:)


Thats because you told them it was a star, all the nice ladies know its a planet lol

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what mag you getting on Mars James? I could only get to 150x as my 5mm HR Planetary EP hasnt arrived yet.

I was using 171x (a 7mm Pentax XW) and 200x (a 6mm Baader Orthoscopic). The views were fantastic with both eyepieces. I did push things to 340x (a barlowed 7mm) but the views weren't as crisp (perhaps not surprisingly!). I'd guess I could have gone to 250x and still got a good view.


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managed to see mars early enough that the moon was low enough to be coverd by my very tall hedge, i was blinding tho wasnt it? had a good 45 mins looking at saturn, i need better ep`s i think as saturn was very, very small. (O) no bigger than that! is 10mm and barlowx2 ep`s good enough to see dso`s? anyway, it was a clear ol night and had plenty of time with my scope. happy days people,


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