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Meade DSI newbie

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Right, I'm very happy to have just picked up an original DSI from astrobuysell, and I was just wondering if people out there with experience with this camera can offer me some advice?

I'm mainly going to use it as a guide camera, but I'll of course try some imaging with it too. I get the feeling that it wont be well suited to planetary stuff though, is that correct?

And the Meade software seems nasty :) So what do people use with this camera? I'm using PHD for guiding, and looking at Nebulosity for imaging... Any free options out there that will support this camera?

Thanks ;)

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I found the hardest part of using the DSI was getting it installed!!

Once you're over that hurdle, it works reasonably well, especially as a guider.

Don't know of any other freeware solutions ( maybe IRIS? - need to check) but I use AstroArt which will handle all the CCD/ DSLR cameras, does aquisition, telescope control and processing etc etc and a lot cheaper than Maxim etc.


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Hi Sam

I have the original DSI too which I now use for guiding with PHD.

Which part of the software dont you like?

I never use the planetarium software or the image processing software that comes with it, didnt like either of them. I use Starrynight 6 for planetarium, and Photoshop for processing.

I think I must be the only person though that actualy likes the Envisage capture software, lots say they dont like it but I find it so easy to use.

I got a few half decent images with the DSI-1 but before long I splashed out on the DSI-3.

Do a youtube search for Matt Taylor , he has a few good DSI video tutorials and even has a DVD tutorial whis is very good

Need any help with Envisage , Id'e be glad to try and help

Here's the Youtube link

Good luck


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