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With regards to using a LP filter and a coloured filter with each other:

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Does it make ANY difference in which order i stack them together with the EP?.

Should i attach the LP filter directly to EP and then attach a coloured filter or the other way round?.

I dont often use coloured filters but it wil be good to know. Same question applies to use of LP filter and Moon filter.

Thanks in advance.

All my colour filters are double threaded......meaning i can attach (stack) them on either the front or back. I'm not sure about the SW LP filter. Is is only threaded on one side?

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The 1.25" and 2" SW LPF have threads on both sides.

In principle I don't suppose it matters which way round you mount the filters if they are both reflection filters (filter by tuned reflections rather than absorption). However, I suppose it would be better to put the filter that reflects most of the light first to reduce the intensity of any multiple reflections between the filters.

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The 1.25" and 2" SW LPF have threads on both sides.

In principle I don't suppose it matters which way round you mount the filters if they are both reflection filters (filter by tuned reflections rather than absorption). However, I suppose it would be better to put the filter that reflects most of the light first to reduce the intensity of any multiple reflections between the filters.

Thanks for that BlueAstra. So you think when using coloured filters that i should stack in order of: EP,colour filter and last but not least LP filter?

Or put the LP filter right on to the EP and then the colour filters.

Sorry..................i'm an idiot.

To be honest............i dont use coloured filters much so i dont see it as being an issue. I mainly use a moon filter (when observing the moon).

I guess i will try both ways and see what works. Good to know the SW LP filter is double threaded.

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I usually put the LP on last but I seldom use it - sometimes I use an ND filter foir the moon with an LP on top so it would go in this order.

EP - ND - LP - Telescope

Hope that helps - I fond the LPR in conjuction with my ND filter works well on the moon - its the only time I stack filters.

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I just noticed on the email from FLO that the LP filter has been sent by royal mail instead of DHL.

I have family in UK and i know a letter/card from there to here can (and usually does) take a week to arrive.

So i may have a couple of days more to wait. Thats COOL.

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