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An Astronomical Depression....


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....but not I hasten to add not a medical one.

I haven't posted recently due to being seriously miffed at the the whole darn situation I have been going through for the last few months.

3 months of rubbish weather with the only clear skies at the full moon, my Atlux control card dying and all because Vixen do not put a special coating (not costing much) over their circuit cards and fixing the problem...water shorting out the control board.

Intermittent guiding problems that were a nightmare to solve.

Came to the point of not going on the forum, it was winding me up with all the excellent pictures being produced and I had no chance to do anything.

Came very close to selling up and giving up! well for a few minutes anyway, and for me that is a close call. :)

Well replacement control card in use, getting to grips with the guiding problems, thats for another post, some amazingly clear skies before xmas to sort out a lot of the bugs, telescope tube frozen solid, camera covered in frost, fingers nipping and the pictures coming in...now a much happier Bunny and waiting for the snow to clear and get more done.:)

It is good to be back

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