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i dont like this one lol ive seen a fue really nice ones every time ive had a go its poo so had another go got 3 and a half hours 3 min sub ive had a go at processing though im having no luck il post my attempt and the stack if any would would have a play just to give me a idea of what i should be getting out of my data that would be wicked

thanks toby


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Hey, don't take my word for it - just saying how it looks to me. I've been having trouble with M42, M45 & M31 - seem to almost get there, and then I realise the focus is slightly off, and no matter what I do the image won't get any better.

I have a mask now - and tried it out the other day, hooked up to a laptop. Showed me how what looks OK to the eye can still be out. Unfortunately, the clouds rolled in before I could take any images.

Try Carboni's plugins for PSE before doing anything, and save stuff to a DVD in case you want to go back to it - they will let you shrink the stars and enhance the DSO.


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