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Pimp my local shop


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Not sure if this is the right forum,

But I just wanted to bring to people's attention the kind and patient guy Lee at Green Witch Telescopes just outside Cambridge.

I went there this afternoon to discuss my future imaging kit and he patiently spent over an hour chatting with me pointing out the benefits and (more importantly) the limitations of various pieces of equipment.

He wrote me out a nice list of items I'll need with prices for me to peruse and go begging to the wife about and when i bought a red LED torch he even threw in free a copy of the Philips Sky Atlas.

I've bought from this shop before and have found both members of staff very helpful and friendly. Plus the shop is full of nicknacks that I could happily spend hours poking around.

So here's for pimping up my local shop. It's nice to know there is somewhere close I can bounce ideas off, without feeling I have to spend spend spend as soon as I walk through the door.

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