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Auto track or Goto

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My sister is about to order the 130p supatrack auto and I see on FLO's site that the 130p synscan AZ goto is only £50 more.

The scope is for her 9 year old daughter and we think that autotrack is suitable but I wonder if the Synscan goto also has the supatrack mode and the ease of set up without using the goto function until she is a bit older and can use the goto with confidence. For £50 more it may be worth the extra.

If anyone has any experience of the 130p goto your feedback would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance


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The SynScan AZ will, in principle, track objects even if the goto is not properly aligned, although you still need to give it some help. Set the mount up once facing north, and align it properly. Then use the 'Park scope' option to park it into its home position. When you want to use the scope again, as long as you set it up more-or-less in the same position (facing north, and set up in its home position) then it should track okay (it asks, at start-up, if you're starting from the parked position - just say yes, and it'll have some idea where it is). Park it again at the end of each session.

That is a little bit of hassle, but I suspect that even the supatrack model will involve some similar steps - I'm sure it'll also need some guidance on which way it is facing.

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Plus, you really only need to know one star to set up goto, as it's really only the very first of the three alignment stars you have to find yourself - the scope automatically slews to the second and third and your job is just to centre them.

I know, for example, that right now, if I'm at home that Deneb is a good star to start with, and after that Mizar and Capella. You just need to give her a little list like that - which would only change once a month or even less - for her to cope with goto setups.

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