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TAL 2 M RA scale

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Hi All...Just waiting for the sky (and some reduction gears)to clear from the North West...so i hope begineth my first lesson.. As i don,t have a manual for this scope can you say what the ring is adjacent to the RA scale as in photo..From there is it possible to hand control this scope to follow an object without having to manually turn ?

I take from what i read that you align the mount to Polaris and clamp it in this position and angle and then set the RA circle..By hand??..and what about the Dec scale ...do i use that as it is not yet Mororised...Now need some expert help please........................................


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Set the dec scale to 90 degrees and then line up scope with Polaris. Then when you have an object in the filed of view the motor will follow it for you. Or you have to turn those two plastic knobs either side of the motor box to increase RA and follow the object..

From what I remember the RA scales on those scopes can be in reverse so watch out.

To be honest I would star hop rather than use the scales as that to me is easier...


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For whatever reason Tal mounts are numbered backwards in the RA. Try to find some small stickers and re-label them. Mind you it's great if you are in the southern hemisphere, cause the circles would be perfect !!

A guide to using setting circles,

Setting Circles

Remember to balance your scope, firstly on the DEC axis, then the RA.

This a handy guide for Tal mounts,

TALScopes GEM mount Maintenance & Operations Manual

Hope this is of some help,


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