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Explore It! Moon In My Room


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Excellent recommendation Amanda, thanks.

My little one is 2 and 3/4. I've put some glow in the dark stars in constellations on his ceiling and glow in the dark planets. He was most upset that the moon wasn't included in the set and made me make one out of card covered in tin foil. He loves the moon (that's my boy!)

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aww that's lovely :D a boy after your own heart :) Joe has glow in the dark stars too, on his ceiling and a few on the top quarter of the bedroom walls. If he can't sleep his Mum tells him a story about 'flying through space' and they use the planets/Moon/stars as 'props' - it's very effective at relaxing him.

the 'Man in the Moon' is there to protect him if any 'bogey men' are hiding in his wardrobe, too :)

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I have one of those. I didn't buy it myself though.

The next door neighbour's kids have a computer each, and they look to me to fix any problems that crop up. There have been a few.

An Odd job here and there, fitting a new light in the kitchen, repairing the lawnmower, stuff like that.

Their Dad is not all that good at DIY, He likes Cider and TV a lot.:D

Anyway, they got me one of those Moon in a Room things, and I hung it on a wall in my Den. A remote control can select any Phase, and it looks quite good, but I'm not sure the features are accurate in any way. I haven't studied it to find out.:)

I can see the appeal of it for a youngster interested in the Moon though. Look good in their bedroom.


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