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drives for astrophotography


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hi ,i've got a C80 edr with a cg5 mount.Just bought a Canon 450d and fancy trying astrophotography.Was going to buy drives for cg5 but now thinking of a reasonable cheap goto mount.Any advice,tips or help welcome.

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A lot will depend on budget. The HEQ5 Syntrek (this is what I have) is the same mount as the synscan, but without the goto hand controller (easy to add for about £20 if you have a laptop already though). However, the CG5 is supposed to be pretty good as mounts go, although I'd look at getting drives for it that will allow you to control the mount for both goto and guiding from the get go.

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I've got a CG5 coming on Wednesday which is fitted with dual axis drives (I did not want GOTO). The drive system is the DK-3 (also known as the Mon-2 I believe). I've been told that it's a bit better than the stock Skywatcher / Celestron dual axis drives - we shall see :o

It's for visual use for me as I'm not an imager.

Here's a link to the drive system:

DK-3 Dual-Axis Drive System & Controller | Motor Drives | Components | Astronomica


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