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A good 90min viewing.


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Set up for a quick 90min viewing session tonight, started at 2045 back in doors at 2215. Good dark clear skies, started with jupiter but this was hazy so opend up turn left at orion and selected M13 in Hercules, followed the directions went wrong to start off mistaking altair for vega :) . Soon back on track and found M13 quickly, this was much better than I expected really good viewing even through my 6mm planetry EP. I think it looks like someone has thrown a bag of flour at a chalkboard.

Next up M92 which looks like the little brother of M31. Easy to find using turn left at orion.

Next M57 took some time to find this using 25mm EP, then changed to 10mm EP and could make out the ring using averted vision. My 6mm EP was a bit blurry but when it was focused gave a great view.

To finish up M56 this was hard to find as the milky way was very clear in my 25mm EP, eventually found a dot which was not a star and changed to a 10mm EP. This confirmed I was looking at the correct target. This was the least impressive of the messiers seen tonight but still looked great with the milky way all around it.

Decided to add a messier count to my sig.

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