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Lens Cleaning

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How do you guys clean your Eyepieces?

I noticed last night while looking at the moon I could see a few little black bits in the FOV, when I changed the EP, they had gone. In the light today I noticed there were some buts of dust or whatever on the lens, I cleaned it all of with a spectacle cleaning duster thingy..

Just wondered really if thats the best way to clean the EP lens, or is there a cleaner or something I can buy that does the job better?

Sorry again fore more questions :D


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I would say that the glasses cleaning cloth is just fine Kain I actually use a microfibre cloth I got from the local pound shop I find that easier to use as its a lot bigger there are various fluids for lens cleaning on the market also but I don't see why you should need to buy any if you keep up with a general maintains regime and that does not mean go mad at cleaning stuff just to be vigilant with your condition of the equipment

Hope this helps you mate :D

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