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Processing on a mac, Nebulosity or VM Fusionware?

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Im on the verge of getting an astrophotography setup so my thoughts are turning to processing at the second.

There seems to be limited processing software for the mac so does anyone have any experience of Nebulosity? or would it be easier to get VM Fusionware and run some PC software? (really dont want to be running bootcamp and windows)

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I use nebulosity...

Very good, does just what DSS can do on the PC except on a mac...

Don't get a pc simulator... slows things down, costs and does nothing to encourage development of mac software... dont forget photoshop.. it was originally written for the mac platform...

there's also Astro II DC for planetary acquisition, stacking, processing..

Lynkeos and Keiths Image stacker are a bit more basic, but there...

Gimp is java so runs on any platform, don't think much myself, but there again...

If deep sky is what you want to do, Nebulosity does all you need, supplemented with even ps elements, you will be more than equipped for a good start.


shot below is basic but stacked and simple processed on nebulosity...


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My preference certainly is to keep mac if possible, i moved away from PC's for a reason!

Geat shot for basic! Slightly cross posting with my other thread in imaging here but how are you connecting upi your camera to your mac? just a usb cable? I have the 5D (no liveview) and from what ive read if i want exposures over 30sec i need to use a cable with an N3 connection if using the laptop? (thinking about obtaining focus etc)

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I happily use a Mac for all my imaging - capture (PHD & Nebulosity) and processing (Nebulosity). I'm currently thinking of moving up to either PixInsight or Photoshop (both run natively on the Mac) so basically there's no need to go PC if you don't want to...


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You can buy a range of shutter release cables for the Canon's ... I use a timer emote which allows me to manually control while at the camera or programme set number of shots, dark intervals, exposure lengths etc... dslr does not then need to be connectd to the mac... for use of a webcam type camera for muli frame recording you will need to connect, usually usb, but also firewire now...

I forgot tomention AstroArt, good but expensive, I think you can download a demo.


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Thanks Steve, im leaning towards using the remote shutter i have at the moment and just tethering to view the images (mainly for focusing). Im likely to do the processing at the comfort of our desk and main Imac anyway.

Thanks for all the useful information :)

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