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Some multiples in the Mintron.

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SPX350, EQ6, Mintron 12V6, 2xCelestronUltima working at F12.2.

Thought I would image some double stars before moving onto the Moon which was a little past full. Mintron is so sensitive it showed glare so exposure needed reducing. Some of these showed nice colour variation and iota Cass was quite difficult to split at 2.5" and 1/50sec exposure also collimation was out as well. I may do this again sometime as they were quite quick to capture.


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Thanks Ian, my Mintron is a CCTV cam with max 2.56sec exposures and used primarily as a very sensitive guidecam but will image deepspace and with doubles I turned down the exposure from 2.56 to 1sec and Iota Cass down to 1/50sec. I use darks to get rid of hotpixels and GStar2 freeware to start and stop for RGB saved as 3 avi's and processed with Registax and Maxim. A very quick and easy setup taking a minute or two and I recon I could split 0.5" on a good night with similarly bright stars.

Had a go at Albireo with Mintron end of July at 1585mm fl for an easy pretty double star image.

Thanks, JohnH.

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Those are really interesting John. I have been a keen advocate for teh Mintrons for years, very versatile cameras. I always wondered what they would be like doing RGB and youve shown they are very capable.


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